Knights of the Round
Capcom - 1991
Beat 'em up
7 stages
3 player, 3 max simultaneous
action RPG elements (auto upgrade)
Level cap is 16
Similar to other beat em ups
Notable moves
Block (attack button + joystick away)
Fighters rely on block
gain invincibility and counter attack
some bosses only vulnerable after they are blocked
Atttack + Jump = knocks ensemies off screen
Arthur training to be a knight and pulls our Excalibur, Merlin sends him on a quest with Lancelot and Perceval to overthrow King Garibaldi and unite Britain
well balanced
slashing blow - attack and then hold joystick towards enemy direction
strongest on horseback
fastest, but weakest
jump kick - attack then holding joystick up
strongest, but slowest
can dash with double tap
giant swing - while attacking press attack
Stage 1 - Scorn
Stage 2 - Braford
Stage 3 - Arlon
Stage 4 - Phantom
also a stage 7 miniboss
Stage 5 - Balbars
Stage 6 - Muramasa
Stage 7 - Garibaldi
Misc Notes
different ending
Holy Grail
Lancelot or Perceal will tell Merlin it is not their destiny
Arthur will tell merlin it is his destiny
#1 arcade cabinet in March 1992 over Street fighter The world warrior
well know quarter muncher
ported to SNES but had downgraded music and some words removed, and blood effects changed to sweat
AOM Gaming Notes
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